Which Fat Electric Bike Should You Get? The Denago Hunting eBike or Original Fat eBike?
Denago is rolling out new electric bikes at a rapid pace these days! One of the latest eBikes to roll off the production line is the Hunting Fat Tire eBike with some impressive features and accesso...
May 16, 2023

How to Extend the Range of Your eBike and Increase Battery Life
While adding a larger battery, (or a second battery) is always an option to extend the range of your electric bicycle, there are a few simple tips to increase the life of your existing battery that...
January 4, 2023

How to: use the USB port on the Denago Fat Tire eBike to charge your mobile phone
How to: charge your mobile phone while riding the Denago Fat Tire eBike using the built-in USB A port on the display.
November 8, 2022

eBike Batteries - Learn the Do's and Dont's of Proper Battery Care
While all batteries have a finite life after which they're exhausted and require replacement, proper battery care can help significantly extend the lifespan of your battery. For many riders, a pro...
July 7, 2022

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